Thursday, February 14, 2008

a day for love....

what a beautiful day.... a day set aside to remember what this life is all about. yes i preach a lot about love so a day like today is one of my favorites. i know the retail world sucks us dry on a day like today. filling our heads with non-sense that romance is something to be bought...and yes it is so nice when the one you love showers you with day at the spa (don't i wish) i could go on and on. but girls you know those things are nice but if there is no romance and heart put behind those gifts it is the same as if nothing was done. i know i would rather have the man i love spend time in his thoughts on how he is going to sweep me away on a day like today, instead of just calling the florist to take care of it. yes that is better than nothing, but still- WHERE IS THE ROMANCE GUYS???? maybe you all are having a wonderful valentines( like i hope you are) full of romance like i hope i will get tonight( although i am not holding my breath-ha)

I changed the word of the day- check it out!

today is set aside to remember our hearts and what power we have in that special place. love has the power to take away pain, to heal, and to change the world. after all it is where we come from- God is love. take some time today to listen to your heart. feel the emotion celebrated today-love. i added daily affirmations- (an affirmation is something you say out loud. ) the affirmation i posted today is for the heart chakra. try it and see how you like it....then let me know...blessings to your heart...

peaceful blogging-tre

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I'm still laughing...hehe...

Most of you out there know my sis and thomas and family were on family feud the past three shows...and i'm sure if you could- you watched it. Then you must be laughing like is so funny!!!! and i thought they all looked beautiful too. one thing i did notice is how southern they all sounded. i don't notice this on a day to day basis. i guess because we all sound like that- I HOPE SO!!!! they were surrounded by people from other parts- so the accent REALLY stood out. anyway i will be laughing for quite some time on this one.

I want to send a shout out to all those who have left comments on my blog- some i haven't talked to in years, some close to me, and some i have actually never met. blogging is so cool...and the world is becoming any way, hello to you all! good to hear from you!- and i hope i get to check out your blogs as well when time allows.

I haven't quite figured out how to design my blog- i am kinda just going along the best i can. i am a visual person..artist, so to speak...and the layout is important to me. but i was unplugged for a few years- so the internet, computer ..ect...ect...moved right along without me. and now i am trying to keep up...eekkkk.

i am using my blog as a safe reflection is spiritually raw and friends know me in this way...some of you may please keep an open mind when you visit...'cause soul matters are the subject judgement from me...this is where i have a small voice.

but more importantly i hope i can leave you( and me ) some things to ponder on...spiritually. i believe it is important to keep in touch with your spirit and your true self. stopping and sitting in silence will help you reconnect or stay in touch with your soul. i myself believe i am a spirit in a vehicle called a body- which leaves me a human. as simple or as complex as it may be that is where i am. slowly learning as i go down this road to be kinder and more loving. it is hard sometimes in this crazy fast paced world we live in. drivers cutting you off, shoppers pushing in front of you, others being selfish, people around you manipulating and being dishonest....yeh times like this is when it is hard to remember ourselves as spirits. we ( or i ) get caught up in the energy of our surroundings and give in to these untrue emotions. and when i speak of untrue- i am talking about our true spirits...what we are as we enter this world. the ego creates all of these emotions and feelings which seperate us from each other. we are all the same. even those who choose other paths than we would even dare. they are as we are. so my challenge has been to try to stay in a state of spirit, if i may. how am i doing with this???? a whole lot better than i was a year ago. and i know as time passes i will become more empowered within my spirit. love is the key, for me. love all as i would my child. this emotion is very powerful... i use it all the i am sure you all do too...

peaceful blogging -blessings- tre

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

bless the victims of the storm....

Waking up this morning and stumbling to the tv... i had no idea how much damage the storms did last night. My prayers and thoughts are with the victims. Times like this will definitely stop us in our tracks and remind us to count our blessings...our family members.... and down to the warm bed and roof we have over our heads.... some people won't have that tonight. When the wrath of mother nature shakes us to the core - takes away our life - and leaves us with nothing but our spirit it can force us to choose to pull strength or choose us to become weaker. I pray that these souls can find knowledge and strength during this test put before them. This to shall GOD bless them all...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Hello everyone - I am finally joining the blog band wagon...hehe.. I have been so hesitant about this blogging thing, for my boys of course, but we will give it a spin. This will give my friends and family that I don't get to talk to often a way to keep up with the growth of my children.

For those of you that don't know I just graduated from massage therapy school. This has been a life long goal and I finally feel like I am on the right track. I have to take the national board exam, which takes a while to get all the paperwork done and processsed. Then I will recieve my appointment ot take the test and hopefully pass the first time and get my license to practice.

My oldest Canyon is in school and doing well. He is in constantly in Navy Seal training ( MY CHILD?-peace and loving me).He is a great student- and made the second honor roll. I
am so proud. He loves to play video games, play with his paint ball gun, and fight off his younger brother. That leads me to Ryvin- my two year old- he is full of fire and loves to fight. He thinks he is Nacho. He loves horses and playing with his cars and trucks. He is in the process of potty training and is doing great! Hopefully soon pull-ups will be a thing of the past.

I currently work for Siegel HS Dance team in Murfressboro, TN. I love my job!!!My job title is the choreographer. All that know me know that is just what I was born to do. Although I have turned in my resignation. I spend a lot of time in the car driving and now that school is over I feel like I must move on. I am going miss my girls so much- they are my little ones. I have learned so much from them. We have grown together. I love them. It is going to be weird not seeing them daily.
I am working with Gallitan HS also, but I only go there few and far between.

So There is my first post- we will see how diligent I am with this...hehe..