Thursday, February 14, 2008

a day for love....

what a beautiful day.... a day set aside to remember what this life is all about. yes i preach a lot about love so a day like today is one of my favorites. i know the retail world sucks us dry on a day like today. filling our heads with non-sense that romance is something to be bought...and yes it is so nice when the one you love showers you with day at the spa (don't i wish) i could go on and on. but girls you know those things are nice but if there is no romance and heart put behind those gifts it is the same as if nothing was done. i know i would rather have the man i love spend time in his thoughts on how he is going to sweep me away on a day like today, instead of just calling the florist to take care of it. yes that is better than nothing, but still- WHERE IS THE ROMANCE GUYS???? maybe you all are having a wonderful valentines( like i hope you are) full of romance like i hope i will get tonight( although i am not holding my breath-ha)

I changed the word of the day- check it out!

today is set aside to remember our hearts and what power we have in that special place. love has the power to take away pain, to heal, and to change the world. after all it is where we come from- God is love. take some time today to listen to your heart. feel the emotion celebrated today-love. i added daily affirmations- (an affirmation is something you say out loud. ) the affirmation i posted today is for the heart chakra. try it and see how you like it....then let me know...blessings to your heart...

peaceful blogging-tre


myra said...

what's heart chakra? Just curious, I hadn't heard that term before.

Unknown said...

You have just been tagged!! Come to my blog to find the rules!!