Friday, November 14, 2008


i have to say this week has been a week of rememberance for me. remembering loved ones past. i love fall, but i have to be honest, it also makes me a little sad. even knowing we are all spiritual beings just here for now- the human part of me has to deal with the emotions. i know i will see them again, heck, i even hear from them now- through signs and wonders. but the best part of being on this physical plane is being able to touch and hold our loved ones. that is what i miss the most. during fall all the leaves let go of their home and fall to the ground, all the energy starts to redirect itself into the earth- getting ready for the winter months. so i think losing loved ones in the fall is a greater reminder of what will happen to us all one day.(our physical self anyway) we will all let go and our spirit will be free again to do whatever it is our maker has planned for us next. yes this is a beautiful thing- these are the thoughts that help me through the painful emotions......i have faith through love and rememberance

on another note.....some of you may know i have been teaching hip hop dance class at civic center on wed. afternoons. i have had to put a hault on it for a bit- my job schedule changed and i have to work on wed. now- so can't make it at that time anymore. however, i have talked to the civic center and we are not going to cancel class just change the day/time. it is going to take a few weeks to get it all taken care of. but it looks like maybe thursday night at 6:45. i am hoping this will bring more of you out to class. we are also not going to concentrate on just hip hop, but make it a dance class for women. we will work on just moving and rythmn- and breaking a sweat. they say they are going to put an article in the paper- so be looking for it!!!! i really hope you all that read this can make it- wed. afternoon my numbers were very low, not worth the time i put into it. although i loved dancing with those of you that came, hopefully the new schedule will be better. we have lots of fun! i would love to see all my friends past- what a great way to get together and dance- since their are no real dance clubs around here- hhaa!! comment if you are interested!!
peaceful blogging-tre
dance on sista's!!


Tanya said...

Hey friend~ I just wanted you to know the reasons I haven't been coming. One week I had a meeting at school for nursing students and it lasted until about 3:45 or 4:00 I did not have time to go get Olivia and get home and get changed and get to dance. One week I had something on Mon night, something on Tues night, and I didn't want to leave Jason again on Wed night, so I skipped.I don't know if he could handle 3 days in a row. he he I just wanted you to know in case you were wondering why I didn't come back. This week, I just forgot!!! I am doing a research paper and I think that's all that's on my mind here lately. Stress!! I will be interested in your next class if I can tear myself away from Survivor on Thurs nights! We'll see. I know that sounds dumb, but we LOVE Survivor. Lots of love and good luck. I can tell you I have some people planning on coming with me the next time I come. Sally Pack and some people from church. So, maybe attendance will get better. I just have to attend!!:-)

Tenara King said...

Hey girl! I am so in on that time. Keep me posted on if it goes to that time. Wednesday afternoons were really hard to get over there. Specially being at school all day. I would love to do Thursday nights. So, let me know when it starts! :)